Beratungsmandat aiti GmbH
Change Management Projekt in der Software-Branche
Seit Herbst 2023 unterstützen wir das seit über 20 Jahren von Graz aus tätige Software-Entwicklungs-Unternehmen aiti GmbH in einem umfangreichen Change Projekt. Von der Erstellung einer Mittbewerber-Analyse, über die Entwicklung eines neuen Marketing- und Vertriebskonzeptes bis hin zur mittel- und langfristigen strategischen Ausrichtung dürfen wir uns einbringen.
Consulting mandate AVANSA
We have been able to successfully support our partner AVANSA in several projects in recent years:
2018 Documentation and information processing and integration into the Avansa learning platform for an international pharmaceutical company.
2022 Competitive and comparative analysis for the further development of the range of solutions internally.
2022/23 Project management and coordination of an extensive change project in the area of corporate culture for a major bank in the D/A/CH region (ongoing).
Advisory mandate ZWT
Support for a start-up:
In 2020, we were able to provide a start-up with the basis for the decisive decision to found a sustainability product through an all-encompassing and precise market study. It's about shopping for unpackaged groceries. Zero waste shopping.
Advisory mandate bakery Felber
Company analysis and creation of a future concept:
In 2019 we were commissioned to develop a concept for the traditional company Bäckerei FLEBER, a family business from Vienna that has been in existence for over 60 years, which should help to implement the changed customer requirements for a modern and contemporary bakery of today. In addition, work processes, organizational and personnel structure, as well as marketing and market presence were analyzed and corresponding suggestions for improvement and efficiency increases were made. The company has already been able to implement many of these.